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mardi 11 août 2015
Physical activity, sedentary behavior time and lipid levels in the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg study
By AdminOriscav @ 13:32 :: 2255 Views :: Publications scientifiques
Background: Recently attention has been drawn to the health impacts of time spent engaging in sedentary
behaviors. While many studies have investigated general physical activity (PA) in relation to blood lipid levels, the
current study aimed to examine the intensity of activity, including sedentary behavior time, and time spent
engaging in moderate and intense PA, with concentrations of HDL and LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and


Methods: Participants comprised 1331 individuals, aged 18 to 70 years, from the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk
Factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study, who underwent objective cardiovascular health assessments and
completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Time spent engaging in sedentary behaviors
(screen time on a workday and a day off, and total sitting time on a work day), and moderate and intense PA, were
related to levels of HDL and LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Analyses were conducted in the
whole sample, and then with stratification according to BMI (normal weight versus overweight/obese).
Results: Both lower screen time during days off and higher intense PA time were significantly associated with higher
HDL-cholesterol after full adjustment for socio-demographic factors, dietary factors and smoking (both p < 0.05). In
normal weight individuals, consistent positive relations between triglycerides, LDL, and total cholesterol with all
sedentary behavior time variables were observed (all p < 0.05; adjusted for age, education, gender). There were no
statistically significant associations between any intensity level of PA or sedentary behavior time variable and lipid

levels in those overweight or obese.

Conclusions: Spending less time in sedentary behaviors, and engaging in medium levels of intense physical
activity may be associated with a more favorable blood lipid profile, particularly with regard to levels of HDL and


Keywords: Sedentary behavior time, Physical activity, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, Triglycerides

